
Showing posts from December, 2014

pcDuino Libraries and Samples for 1Sheeld

It's been a while (a couple of years!) since I've posted to this blog.  But, it was time to share again ;) I've been taking some time (on and off) recently to attempt to get the 1Sheeld to work with my pcDuino v2.   And I'm not talking about plugging in an UNO or Mega to a USB hub and connecting the 1Sheeld to the Arduino and using the Arduino IDE that's available on the pcDuino (although if you want to use OneSheeld sitting on a pcDuino using the Arduino IDE, see my other post regarding that).  If you are connecting an Arduino, putting the 1Sheeld on it, and using the Arduino IDE, just copy over the 1Sheeld Library/Examples as-needed and it will work as-is.   I'm talking about attaching the 1Sheeld to the pcDuino and using the pcDuino-native Aduino-ish libraries (c_environment) and getting it to work that way.   And I've been successful from what I can tell.   The biggest hurtle was input from the Android App to the pcDuino.   The bluetooth part wor...